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  2. Now that you have finished the game and would not want to play it any further in the iMessage app on your iPhone, let’s see how you can uninstall the GamePigeon game on your iPhone. Step 1: Launch the iMessage app from the springboard on your iPhone.
  3. To delete iMessage game, just access the iMessage keyboard app pane, click and hold on pool game icon until the “X” icon appears. Then click it to uninstall the game permanently. Another way to delete the game is go back to the home screen, find out the game and repeat the same operation.

Installing GameGuardian does not differ in any way from any other application. However, you must take into account that, as it is an application designed to modify games, and in many cases, avoid internal purchases of applications, it is not in Google Play. Therefore, you should get the installation file in APK format.

One of our first troubleshooting steps when a game isn’t working is to reinstall it completely. A single corrupt file is enough to make.

How to install GameGuardian

It is possible to easily find this file on the Internet. However, we recommend that you do so from a secure website. At Malavida, we offer a secure download of the latest version of GameGuardian. To start it, tap on the Download button at the end of this guide.

When you are in the application tab, tap again on Download.

GameGuardian’s page at Malavida

On the download page, tap the Download/removing-game-pigeon-from-iphone.html. button for the last time.

Start downloading the APK

Then, open the installation file. /escape-games-island-pigeon-forge.html. You can do this by tapping Open directly from the browser.

Open the APK

In the pop-up message, use the Install button to start the installation process.

Start installing

As a confirmation, you will receive the message App installed. Tap on Open to open the application.

Open GameGuardian

Grant permission to access the storage and tap Continue.

Game Pigeon App Uninstall Windows 10

Grant storage permissions

In the Install mode window, select Default. This process is done to hide GameGuardian from certain games that might detect it.

FreeDefault installation

After the second installation, remove the original application. This is important to avoid having duplicate icons in the application box. Tap Ok in the pop-up message.

Start uninstalling the original application

Again, use Ok to confirm the uninstallation.

Confirm the uninstall of the original application

From this moment on, GameGuardian will have been correctly installed on your device.

How to uninstall GameGuardian

Also, removing GameGuardian from your phone is very easy. To start, find one of its two icons and tap on it for a long time. Then, select App info.

GameOpen the App Info

In the application tab, tap on Uninstall.

Uninstall the application

App Uninstall Mac

Finally, tap on Ok to start the uninstallation process.

Confirm the uninstallation

Immediately, all trace of GameGuardian will be gone from your device.

The Pigeon App Free
